A COURT date is being sought to move on a group of travellers who have pitched up on a field in Colchester.

The caravans moved on to Kings Meadow in Lower Castle Park on Sunday night.

Colchester Council say the group is the same one which previously pitched up at Britannia car park and said they are now seeking to secure a court date.

When the Gazette spoke to the travellers on Thursday afternoon they said they had been “treated well” by the council and people of Colchester.

Gazette: Encampment - Travellers in Colchester's King MeadowEncampment - Travellers in Colchester's King Meadow (Image: Newsquest)
Nearby residents said the area had been kept tidy by the travellers.

One said: “I'm not happy about it all, of course. They shouldn't be there. It is obviously not right.

"They're not too messy and they haven't left rubbish behind."

Another resident said: “They have not given us any problems.

"That does not make it right though but they haven't done anything to offend us.”

A spokesman for Colchester Council said: “The travellers remain on King’s Meadow.

“Essex Countywide Traveller Unit is managing the encampment process on behalf of Colchester City Council and is currently seeking to secure a court date to acquire a possession order.”

The spokesman added: “We are committed to treating all travellers with fairness and respect”.

“However, we are legally obliged to address unauthorised encampments on public land.

“Public open spaces are often used for recreation and community events.

"Unauthorised encampments can disrupt these planned activities and damage the land, as well as create uncertainty and unease amongst residents who are unsure of the situation.”

Visit colchester.gov.uk/environmental-protection/travellers-and-unauthorised-encampments for more information.

The ECTU can be contacted through Essex County Council's contact centre on 03457 430 430 Monday to Friday from 8.30am - 6pm or out of hours on 03330321110.