ONGAR Roundtable has announced that the Ongar Carnival will be taking place on Sunday June 25.

Ongar Roundtable is part of the Association of Roundtables which was formed in 1927 and is a non-political, non-sectarian association open to men between the ages of 18 & 45, from any profession or trade and it raises money for charities across the country.

The Ongar carnival brings together the local community for a celebration of Ongar that concludes at the summer fate at Chipping Ongar Primary School.

It provides a great day out for the community but also helps to raise funds for Ongar Roundtable which will invest it in local good causes including out charity of the year which is Special Needs and Parents.

The carnival is free to watch so we invite anyone who is interested to come along to enjoy the day The Ongar carnival attracts a wide range of groups to enter, this year the marchers will include; Harley Davison Club, Moves and Groves and Blaze of Upminster.

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