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Sheila Gwendoline Rawlinson

Published on 03/11/2021

Sheila Gwendoline Rawlinson Len and his family would like to extend their thanks to all their relatives and friends who attended his sister's funeral service, for their support and messages of sympathy, cards, letters of condolence and donations to Dementia Research UK, 207 Regents Street, London W1B 3HH. Our special thanks to Lilacs Residential Home, medical team and carers for their professional care and kindness Sheila always received and the help and support my family and I were given when we visited her, we are also most grateful to the Reverend David Coster for giving such a beautiful, meaningful and personal service and the Southend on Sea Co-op Funeral Service and their staff for the caring and dignified and professional manner in which the funeral was conducted.


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