Brentwood Live - Memorials

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Gareth Ian Davies

Published on 13/04/2023

Gareth Ian Davies 08.04.80 19.01.23 Keith, Gill and family would like to thank all Gareth's friends, colleagues, work mates and support workers that took the time out of their day to honour our dear Son on 5th April at Southend Crematorium. It was heart-warming for us to see so many people on the day. We would like to thank everyone for their support and the many messages of sympathy, cards and letters we have received. We would also like to thank everyone for the wonderful donations to St Vincent's Centre Southend and One Love Project, we do not have a total yet as we still have donations arriving. Our special thanks go to Karon Grant our Celebrant for her support and for giving such a beautiful, meaningful and personal service. Our thanks also go to Tanners Funeral Service especially Sally and Jason for their support and the caring, dignified and professional manner in which the funeral was conducted.


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