Regards the article in the Gazette (December 12) relating to the need for garden communities, we are constantly being told that we are not building enough homes for the ever increasing population of this country.

While this appears to be the case, according to the laws of supply and demand, if we continue to plough on with our relentless pillaging of the countryside to satisfy this demand, we will end up being buried under a blanket of concrete and tarmac.

Once we lose precious countryside it will be gone for good.

Continued population growth is evidently unsustainable but any alternative which might seek to address this issue is a political no no, so governments don't have the political will even to consider any alternative.

We owe it to future generations, who won't thank us if this non stop rape of our countryside is allowed to continue unchecked.

Demand surely needs to be addressed as well as supply but any talk of limiting population growth gets a hostile response?

SF Mann
