Having read the letter from Clare Kivlehan (Gazette Letters, January 16) from the Dog's Trust I am concerned about her views on tenants being able to own dogs in rented properties.

As a landlord, surely it should be my decision as to whether I allow dogs in my property?

I have seen the damage a dog can do to a house/flat, especially if the tenants are out all day at work. Doors, door frames, stair cases, kitchen cupboards, carpets, etc get chewed beyond repair and even holding back the one month’s rent deposit will not pay for the damage incurred.

If the tenants belongings and furniture gets ruined that’s up to them, but not my house/flat, thank you.

Then, of course, there is the smell when you try to re-let the property, as the dog smell is impregnated in the carpets and even with professional cleaning this smell never comes out.

There is also the problem of dogs barking while left alone which is not very neighbourly friendly, especially if in a flat.

My tenants know from before they sign any agreement that no pets are allowed and this is how I want it to stay.

John Angel
