ARMED officers rushed to the scene of a robbery after a cash transit driver had been assaulted and cash had been stolen.

Essex Police headed to an incident at Turner Rise retail park, in Petrolea Close, this afternoon after receiving the report at 1pm.

The force has confirmed a driver was assaulted and a box containing money was taken.

After this occurred, a grey BMW was seen leaving the retail park at speed.

Road pursuit officers and armed officers were deployed to the incident and after investigating, it was believed the vehicle was in Lexden.

Brentwood Live: Vehicle - the grey BMWVehicle - the grey BMW (Image: Essex Police)

However, it was then seen in Marks Tey a short time later.

After attempts to stop the vehicle, it did not, and police cars began following it at close proximity. Within a minute of the chase, the BMW had been stopped.

Two men were arrested on suspicion of robbery and items of significance to the investigation found inside the car.

Chief Inspector Ella Latham, officer in command for north Essex, said: “The speed at which teams from across the force were able to come together to coordinate the response to this incident should not be underestimated.

Brentwood Live: Supermarket - a view of AsdaSupermarket - a view of Asda (Image: N/A)

Brentwood Live: Specialist - an image of a police officer holding a gunSpecialist - an image of a police officer holding a gun (Image: PA)

“The communication between everyone involved was exemplary and has ultimately led to the arrest of two people and the seizure of some significant evidence, all within a short time period.

“The safety of businesses across Essex is extremely important to us and nobody should become a victim of crime whilst doing their job.”

It has been reported that the driver which was assaulted did not sustain any serious injuries but he is “extremely shaken up” and being supported by Essex Police.